I just wanted to take a few minutes to thank Nate and recognize the excellent job that he's done running this site since he's taken over. Pickaxe and Roll has gone from a relatively obscure Nuggets blog to one of the best on the internet in a matter of months. His predecesor Jeremy also did a wonderful job, and you can find him at roundballminingcompany.com. However, after Jeremy left, Pickaxe and Roll layed dormant until Nate got the ball rolling again (or should I say 'bouncing again'?).
Since then the game summaries and previews are consistently excellent, incorporating great in-depth insight and information with humor and great writing. After Nate started the game threads they grew to a level of participation and quality input that rivaled some of the bigger blogs for the NBA on SB Nation. Pickaxe and Roll reminds me of when I first started going to Mile High Report when it was still relatively small and supported by the effort of a few dedicated and quality writers. I hope that it continues to grow into next season and can become one of the truly great NBA sites on the intertubes.
Thanks again for all your hard work Nate!