More than anything, this is a plea from me to the Nuggies to win tonight so we can stop obnoxious behavior. All over LA these stupid car flags are popping up and the more success they have the more flags I'll see. I had my camera with me so I can take pictures at the game tonight to send to Nate to post here and so I caught this fellow who was just down the street from my house.
Yes, Nuggets fans, you probably have an obnoxious Laker fan in your neighborhood.
I counted no less than seven cars with these annoying flags today.... The Nuggets have to win or this could get out of hand. Every year the Lakers go deep in the playoffs these silly things come out and increase in numbers until they fall on their ass at which time they all simultaenously vanish.
Why do I hate these flags? Because they tipify what drives me crazy about Lakers fans in general. They are the kings of bandwagon jumping. When they're good, they're all diehard fans. When they're bad nobody notices because everybody's doing other crap. If you are a true Laker fan, fly your silly little flag during the regular season or, heck, before the WCF. There weren't as many flags last week as there are today. Why? Because the Houston series didn't make the Laker bandwagon look so attractive and Laker fans weren't about to jump on unless they could be right in doing so. Diehards indeed.
Seriously, I live here. I can't have these people running amok. So, Nuggies, please crush the hopes and dreams of these people, will you?
P. S. Anthony Carter you're on my list too.