
Lakers-Doin' Work

The Lakers are at the point now where to motivate them to win a Championship, they need Jack Nicholson to suit up in an old school number 44, and try his hand on the defensive end.  Now I don't know if Jack will be a liability on offense but with Kobe there to shoot 40 shots a game I don't think that will be an issue.  I can picture it now, Jack getting furious on the defensive end because Pau is getting flushed on by Kenyon in the post, slapping him across the face and asking him if he understands English. 

I mean once the Nuggets dismantle the Lakers in the Conference Final (that's if they make it there) Phil Jackson may have another book with this team.   Phil Jackson-Doin' Work a Spike Lee Joint.  That's got best seller written all over it.  Kobe trying to act calm to the media as the whole team falls apart behind the curtain, Josh Powell doing steroids, stories of what a bad tipper Adam Morrison is. Classic!


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