
What about a trade for Ben Wallace for Allen, Petro, or Carter?

I know I jokingly mentioned it in a post b4, but Ben Wallace is real cheap ($825,500 ), defends bigs well and rebounds well. He could come off the bench and get some quality minutes. He is more effective than Malik Allen (who is paid more). I know Petro is young, but I don't know if he will get playing time to show he can be a versatile defender and his salary matches Wallace's salary. As I also mentioned b4, Detroit is in free-fall, so why not try to get an expiring contract worth more than Big Ben? Plus they love trading with us. Might be the championship soln because he will bring an attitude that could be contagious to the team. Wallace does suck on offense, but he can hover around the boards to thrown in offensive tip ins or dunk balls. Just make sure Kmart and him aren't in at the same time.

Additionally, Gasol and Bynum having to see Nene, KMart, Birdman (from the weakside while Wallace is keeping the bigs out of the paint) & Wallace could easily get them gassed.

What do you Nuggets fans think? The only one who can say no is Dumars, but he seems to listen to anything Warkentein says.

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