
New NBA Rules

There are dozens of rules in the NBA that need to be changed. The following is a partial list of legit changes as well as some silliness that ought to be considered too. Feel free to add yours. There are no stupid suggestions only stupid Commissioners:

1.) Offensive Goal Tending is a stupid rule and needs to go away. Who is getting cheated when someone breaks this rule? The stat keeper?

2.) Flopping should be a technical foul just like illegal defense. In fact, flopping should be classified as illegal defense.

3.) Players should not be able to plead their cases to officials while the clock is moving or while the ball is in play (free throws.) You (Tim Duncan) wanna waste your own time-out or play stoppage to explain to the officials how you get fouled every time you touch the ball even though you yourself have NEVER actually committed a foul, go for it. When the clock is moving and when guys are shooting free-throws, it's our (the fan's) game, not yours...

4.) Speaking of free-throws... If your shooting percentage is under 80% you have to shoot grannies until it's back above 80%. You think guys would make more free-throws and actually work on their shot (Shaq) if the penalty is shooting like you're playing in the 50s?

5.) You should be able to kick the ball on defense. Chances are you will kick it out of bounds and the offense will maintain possession anyway. Having a kicked ball penalty or play stoppage is a waste of time. There is no rule against heading a ball. Why? Because, chances are, it wouldn't EVER benefit the person who did it so it doesn't change the outcome of the play much at all. Same with kicked balls.

6.) If a player gets "caught in the air" and the ball handler jumps into him it is not a shooting foul. Why? Because that player wasn't actually shooting, and if they were, they were choosing the lowest percentage shot available to them. A foul? Yes. But not a shooting foul. Anyone who has ever played has done this and we've all felt like it was one of those basketball "loopholes." The NBA is too great to have loopholes.

Go Nuggets!

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