
Tonight's Game.

We all know that right now the Nuggets are struggling. Since starting 5-0, they've gone just 1-3, with bad losses to Miami, Atlanta, and Milwaukee, and came within a fingertip's length of being 0-4.

But right now, the Nuggets ARE 6-3. We are third in the West, and it's pretty apparent to anyone who's been watching the Nuggets that we are playing very poorly right now, primarily due to tired legs from the longest road trip of the season. Not to mention that on that road trip, we had three separate back to back games. We have played and will play more back to backs than any other team in the league this season. Because of this grueling start, the Nuggets have had to make adjustments on the fly, and have relied too much upon Carmelo to carry the team's scoring load. With the return of J.R., I expect that to change, but not until the 2nd quarter of the season.

To be completely frank, I do not expect the Nuggets to win tonight, even versus a "tired" Lakers team that handily steamrolled the Suns last night. I would be thrilled with the Nuggets if they come within 10 of the Lakers tonight.

In fact, I'm almost hoping that the Nuggets lose a close game to the Lakers tonight. Why? Because I feel that just like those early, bad losses last year and being counted out, the Nuggets play their absolute finest when they are NOT frontrunners. The Nuggets seem to thrive on adversity and are at their scrappiest when they feel they have their backs to the wall. I am very happy with the bright spots that are Ty Lawson and Aaron Afflalo.

Take heart, Nuggets nation. The Lakers are coming to our house tonight and we ARE going to make them work, especially with the rest of the known basketball universe behind us. But do not assign more importance to this game than there actually is. This game is 1.2% of the season. Panicking and calling for the firing or trading of the components of this team that took them to the WCF last year is not the way our fans should conduct themselves nor what the Nuggets should do. So quit it.

With that said, since our hidden threat to the Lakers is gone in L.K., who do you see stepping up this game for the Nuggets? Your choices below:

Write respectfully of your SB Nation community and yourself.