Remember when Denver Nuggets center JaVale McGee and his mother Pamela McGee hosted JaVale's website launch party at Jake's Food & Spirits (otherwise known as headquarters for Stiffs Night Out) last summer?
Well, it was filmed for an episode of JaVale and Pamela's reality show "Mom's Got Game" for Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN) and the episode featuring Jake's debuts THIS Saturday at 8pm and 10pm. A lot of Stiffs were in attendance that night so hopefully you'll get to see yourselves on TV!
The Denver Post's (and our friend) Chris Dempsey recently wrote an article on the series and received some interesting thoughts from JaVale on it:
"I don’t really care what the perception of me is, as long as the perception is as a positive person spreading positivity. That’s all I really care about. That’s all I’m about, positive stuff. I don’t think people know that because people have preconceived notions of me. But, all I can do is live my life and hopefully they figure out how I am."
Now we just need JaVale and his positivity to get back on the basketball court!